Feminism in Action (FIA)

Feminism in Action (FIA) is a student run club organization in Southern California. The FIA was founded by Elise Pardue in 2021 at Palm Desert High School. Our club strives to make high school a safer and more inclusive environment for all. Some of the things we do to encourage this environment are campaigns, protests, community engagement events and weekly meetings. We also write a monthly newsletter that promotes awareness of issues at our school and in the community. Since our modest conception, we have been able to spread our vision through the valley at our new Shadow Hills High School branch of the FIA. At our core, the FIA is a political activism community that functions on the values of bodily autonomy, freedom of dress, eradication of rape culture and the utter destruction of the patriarchy. 

Inquire below!

Instagram: @fiaatpdhs


Elise Pardue, President and Founder 



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